Do you love yoga?
Or would you like to learn more about yoga?
Have you experienced the magic of the meditative state of mind, or would you like to explore that?
Do you love music? Perhaps you sing or play an instrument, or you love listening to music, or dancing…
Do you enjoy being in beautiful natural environments? Do you love to listen to the sounds of the natural world?
Would you like to deeply relax and experience inner stillness and a sense of personal balance?
Would you like to rediscover the wellsprings of your natural creativity and musicality?
Would you like to learn more about self-management of common issues such as anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, feelings of loss and grief, mental confusion, the navigation of life transitions . . ?
Visit our Facebook page for recent information ~
Offering . . .
Retreats, workshops, classes and personalised sessions. Working with classical hatha yoga and nada yoga, meditation, pranayama and mindful silence; as well as natural voice opening, harmonic singing, and deep relaxation with music (Guided Imagery and Music) ... These practices help us gently find our way back to our natural connection with our essential health, joy of life, and innate creativity.

Yoga Sound & Song WORKSHOPS
Yoga Sound & Song workshops are of full-day duration. They include sessions of:
Yoga ASANA or yoga postures, to release energy flow through the body, cleansing, releasing held tensions, allowing physical ease and comfort.
NADA Yoga the yoga of sound and music that views all life as being vibrational. This involves breathing techniques (pranayama), use of vocal sounds and mantra, listening to music and sounds, and mental focus on the subtle energy system of the body that classical yoga recognises.
Freeing the NATURAL VOICE with light-hearted voice production exercises, culminating in the joyful connective experience of group harmony singing.
RELAXATION with music using simple approaches drawn from GIM (Guided Imagery & Music).
Sound & Silence RETREATS
Sound & Silence RETREATS have a four-day duration. The workshop sessions are developed over the time-span and include early morning Sound Meditation, Mindful Silence (mouna), Walking Meditation, Conscious Dance, Asana and Pranayama sessions, voice opening and harmonic singing, evening Mantra and Music, philosophical discussion, group sharing...plus deep relaxation with music and free time for personal creativity or rest. The meals are simple, delicious vegetarian food, the accommodation is comfortable yet simple, the venues are close to nature and gorgeous... Previous participants have expressed personal upliftment and appreciation of this time of connection and restoration.
Yoga for Mental Health classes are offered weekly in private clinics. These group classes are designed to help participants experience inner balance and learn yogic self-management techniques to support their general well-being in every way.
Individual Yoga Therapy sessions involve confidential assessment and counselling, leading to specific therapeutic application of yoga therapy and / or music therapy, according to the need presented by the client. This would usually involve a sequence of personal meetings which could be online or face to face.
“Ladies, you are both truly inspiring in your devotion and love of music and I felt so fortunate that you shared your talent and wisdom with us. I learned a lot...and still refer to the literature (you so kindly provided us) quite a bit . . .
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu”
“Over all I loved being in nature. I came away feeling rejuvenated physically and mentally . . .”
About Satyamo

“Satyamo is a local, national, and international presenter in her niche area of the wonderful combination of yoga, meditation, sound and music.”
SATYAMO JUDY ROBERTS has been fascinated by yoga and meditation for most of her life and first became qualified as a yoga instructor after completing training run by Sivananda Yoga in 1980. She has always enjoyed singing, both on her own but particularly in harmony with others; has sung in choirs since the age of ten, and started playing the guitar from an early age thanks to her folk musician older brother. Satyamo is a local, national, and international presenter in her niche area of the wonderful combination of yoga, meditation, sound and music.
Since 1980 Satyamo has undertaken years of additional study in yoga and meditation, yogic physiology, philosophy, and psychology, Nada Yoga, and other aspects and applications of the vast world of classical yoga.
Alongside this, Satyamo became classically trained in music, majoring in playing and teaching the flute. She studied her Bachelor of Music degree in Hobart, and then years later went on to complete the Master of Arts in Music Therapy degree at UTS in Sydney.
Satyamo followed this up with a Graduate Diploma of Counselling at the University of Tasmania, and having become fascinated by the beautiful world of Guided Imagery and Music, completed her Graduate Diploma GIM from the University of Melbourne at the end of 2015.
Meanwhile, she gained accreditation as a Yoga Therapist, based on her previous and varied skills and qualifications.
Drawing from all these fascinating disciplines, Satyamo has created the classes, workshops, and retreats she now runs. She is tertiary-trained and qualified as a counsellor and music psychotherapist, plus being a senior instructor of yoga and yoga therapist.
Satyamo has a special interest in yoga, meditation, and music for mental health, and also enjoys taking part in other practitioner’s retreats or workshops, perhaps offering a group singing session, Nada Yoga, GIM, or speaking about the combination of yoga and music that she has developed.
Satyamo welcomes your enquiries, her contact details can be found below or on the contact page.